Nov 27, 2012 | Apple Tips & Tricks, Killer Secrets
Safari offers a private browsing mode that lets you surf the web without leaving any traces behind. To activate private browsing: Click on the Safari menu in the top left-hand corner. Choose Private Browsing… A warning message will appear. Click OK In private...
Oct 31, 2012 | Apple Tips & Tricks, Killer Secrets
The PDF (Portable Document Format) file was invented by Adobe in 1993 and it’s been associated with that company ever since. But you don’t need Adobe software to read or mark-up PDF documents on a Mac. OSX comes with it’s own PDF application...
Oct 3, 2012 | Apple Tips & Tricks, Killer Secrets
Contacts on the Mac lets you add additional pre-formatted and customized fields. These fields can hold either text, numerical or web data. To add a pre-formatted field: Open Contacts Go to Contacts in the Menu Bar and choose Preferences. Select Template Click the Add...
Aug 28, 2012 | Apple Tips & Tricks, Killer Secrets
You can get the definition and synonyms for any word on a Mac with a single keystroke. Hover your cursor over the word and press Command Control D. The word is highlighted and a small popup box appears with the relevant dictionary and a thesaurus entry. If you...
Aug 23, 2012 | Apple Tips & Tricks, Killer Secrets
Audiobooks can run into strange problems in iTunes. Out of the blue they’ll skip chapters, repeat paragraphs, or stop dead in the middle of a sentence. These issues are caused by tagging and numbering inconsistencies. The good news is… they’re...