Should I Turn My Mac Off? The Answer May Surprise You

Sep 25, 2019 | Apple macOS Hardware, Apple macOS

The kids are finally in bed, your better half is snoozing and the cat is sprawled out on the sofa.

Before you turn in . . . don’t forget. Turn off the computer.

This is important.

A Mac left on . . .  it’s like having a badly built high explosive IED in your house.

You won’t sleep

Actually, turning off your Mac is a terrible idea.

Just leave it alone.

Stop using your iMac or close the lid on a Macbook and they enter sleep mode.

In dreamland, a Macintosh performs important system tasks that keep things running smoothly.

If it doesn’t get to sleep, it has to do these things as you work and your Mac will feel slow . . . or groggy, if you’d like to extend the metaphor.

Should you turn it off, if you are going away for an extended period?

Yes. That’s fine.

Just don’t expect the house to be standing when you get back 🙂

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