Tap To Save Your Life
If you flip your car, set yourself on fire or put your hand in a blender . . . it’s a good bet you’ll pass out.
When emergency responders arrive, they’ll search your body for information that can identify you and provide information on any existing medical conditions.
Bleeding and unconscious . . . how can you help?
The answer . . . take a few minutes now and fill out Medical ID in the Health App on your iPhone.
- Open the Health App.
- Tap the Summary tab.
- Tap your profile picture in the top right-hand corner.
- Tap ‘Medical ID’.
- Tap ‘Edit’.
Input your identity, medical notes, allergies & reactions, medications and a list of your emergency contacts.
Medical ID is accessible even if your phone is locked.
It has saved lives . . . but it can’t help you if you don’t fill it in.
If you don’t find the Health App on your iPhone, download it from the App store.
Have a safe weekend.
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