Why Did My App Disappear From The Dock?

Why Did My App Disappear From The Dock? It’s very easy to accidentally delete Apps from the Dock. If this happens, don’t worry . . . The App is still on your Mac. You just need to put it back on the Dock. Table of Contents 2 3 Why Did My App Disappear From...

Where Are My Downloads On the Mac

Where Are My Downloads On the Mac Downloads of email attachments or media from the internet are saved to the Downloads folder. This folder is located in the grey sidebar on the left-hand side of the Finder. The full path is Macintosh...

Where Are Applications On My Mac?

Where Are Applications On My Mac? On the Mac, Applications are stored in the Applications folder. The fastest way to locate this folder is to open the Finder and look for the Applications shortcut in the grey sidebar. The full path is Macintosh HD > Applications....

Easy Mac Screenshots

Easy Mac Screenshots Screenshots are a terrific way to show your Mac screen to another person. Apple have now created a tool to simplify the process. To get to the Tool, hold down the Command and Shift Key and press the number 5. If at any time you wish to escape the...

Escape The Spinning Beach Ball Of Death

Escape The Spinning Beach Ball Of Death The Spinning Beach Ball Of Death can mean many things: An App has frozen as the Mac is trying to process too many tasks at the same time. The App is damaged. You have a hardware problem. You are about to die in some bizarre...