WeTransfer - Thumbnail

When you try to share movies on a Mac you’ll run into a few problems:

  • iPhoto won’t let you email movies.
  • If you try to send the movie from Mail using the Photo Browser it does not function correctly.
  • If you export the movie from iPhoto, drag it into Mail, and try to send it, it will be rejected by your ISP as too large.

The simple solution is to avoid email and use a free online service called WeTransfer.

WeTransfer lets you send files up to 2GB in size to any email address. Most clips you may want to share will be smaller than 2GB.

Exporting The Movie From iPhoto

If your movie is in iPhoto, you’ll need to export it first. If not, you can go to the next section.

  • Open iPhoto.
  • Locate your movie. Click once to select it.
  • In the Menu bar, choose File and then Export.
  • Select the File Export tab.

iPhoto - Export Movies

  • Change Kind to Original.
  • Click the Export button.
  • Name the movie.
  • Choose where you want to save the movie, e.g., Desktop
  • Click OK.

iPhoto - Export Movie File

  • Close iPhoto.

The image will be saved in the chosen location with the extension .MOV

Sending Movies Using WeTransfer

WeTransfer - Terms & Conditions

  • On the next page, click +Add Files. Locate the file(s) on your Mac and click Choose.
  • Enter your Friend’s Email, Your Email and any Message you’d like to include.

WeTransfer - File Upload

  • You may send to multiple emails at the same time. Seperate emails with a comma if you have more than one.
  • Click Transfer.
  • Your file is uploaded to WeTransfer. A counter shows when it is 100% complete. Do not close your browser until it hots 100%.

WeTransfer - Percentage Complete

Shortly after your file is uploaded, your friends will recieve an email with your message letting them know they have a movie to download.

WeTransfer - Email NotificationIt’s that easy.

And remember, you can use WeTransfer to share any kind of files. It’s not just for movies.

Have a good week.

If you have questions, please use the Comments section below.

John Carroll - No Problem Mac

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